Category: Online gambling

  • An Introduction to Online Gambling

    Whether you are novice or a veteran to gambling, it is imperative that you know as much about rules and strategy to optimize your chances of coming out ahead. Although gambling should always be looked at as entertainment and not as a source of income, that doesn’t mean you should throw away your hard-earned money. Investing the time to learn the basic rules and advanced strategy will go a long way to increasing your chances of having a fun and profitable gambling session.

    Before you start gambling for real money you should take the time to read the rules enough times to know the game inside and out. Without a solid understanding of the basics, you won’t be able properly grasp advanced strategy. Finding a good gambling guide that will walk you through the basics can be an arduous task, but they do exist if you have the patience to search for them. Once you have a working knowledge of the rules the best thing you can do before jumping into strategy is to play a few games at an online casino (in free mode of course) to test your understanding of the fundamentals of the game.

    Once you have learned the essentials, the next step is to delve into learning the optimal strategy. At the end of the day the house always wins, so unless you derive some sort of pleasure in giving your money away, it is imperative that you learn the optimal strategy for whatever game you are playing. Some games, such as roulette and slots, have no optimal strategy per se since you cannot directly influence the house edge, but there are other strategies you can employ to protect your bankroll.

    Strategies are generally more involved then the basic rules of the game, so it is equally important to practice before you decide to play for real money – while you may pick up the rules fairly quickly, strategies can be very complex, particularly a strategy that gives you the optimal chance of winning. Once you feel confident enough in your play-style, it is time to put your knowledge to the test.

    Any decent casino guide will have supplemental articles from a variety of topics designed to augment your overall knowledge of casinos or specific games. There is only so much information that can be crammed into the rules and strategy explanations – articles serve to tackle specific subjects that might not necessarily be pertinent to rules or strategy, but still provide valuable information.

    For online gaming, it is very important that you find the right online casino to play at – respectable online casino guides will have objective reviews to online casinos, and good webmasters will only vouch for casinos that they have played at personally. There are a ton of dishonest online casinos out there which is why it is so important to do your research. A good online casino guide will give you all the information you need to become a better gambler, and provide you with in-depth, unbiased reviews.

    Whether you are a beginner or a veteran to the gambling world, you can easily augment your knowledge of gambling with a little time and effort. You can think of it as an investment – when it comes to maximizing your potential profit when gambling, knowledge is of the utmost importance.

  • History Of Online Gambling

    Online gaming is not very old and started in the late 1990’s with the Caribbean government legalizing online gambling. This step paved the way for further advancement in this field. Although it is illegal to gamble on the Internet in many countries, foreign-based casinos and gambling houses carry out their businesses with impunity. This is because governments do not have the power to interfere in other country’s business activities.

    On November 10, 2004, the WTO (World Trade Organization) ruled in favor of the Antigua (Caribbean) government. The indictment was that the Caribbean government was exporting the gambling business to the US. However, the WTO ruled that the US government acted against GATS (General Agreement in Trade and Services).

    Backtracking along the timeline will reveal that the first online casino became active in 1994 and was empowered by the free trade processing zone act, which allowed operation of casinos from Antigua, Barbuda. The first online gambling house was called Cryptologic, which began creating software for online gambling. Other companies that contributed to the development of such software were Microgaming and Starnet Communication.

    Canada was also one of the first countries to start online casinos. It regulated online gambling activities by forming a body called the Kanhawake Gaming Commission. This commission saw to it that all the practices involved in online gambling were fair and transparent. However, Cryptologic was the first company to start a gaming platform on the Internet and provide cash deposit facilities.

    At this time, American players acted as catalysts in this process because of the abundance and ease with which Internet facilities were available in the country. In light of these events, the US government tried to pass a law prohibiting online gambling but failed. This attempt was made again after some time but again the bill failed to get two-thirds majority in the US House of Representatives.

    Today, there are more than four hundred online casinos in the world but many more operate illegally. Thus, it can be said that the online casino industry has literally expanded in leaps and bounds within a decade of starting and has become a multi-billion dollar business.

  • Online Gambling Rules

    Online gambling rules are simple and once understood, players can begin gambling from the comfort of their home. There are several common online gambling rules that a player needs to follow.

    The most important rule is the legal age limit for a gambler and is fixed at eighteen years of age. This means that no one under the age of eighteen can play games on the Internet. The terms and conditions given on gambling sites can be helpful in further understanding the rules of on-line gambling.

    Many gambling sites insist that the player download the software, which is required for playing online games. The compatibility of the player’s computer is important because it determines the efficiency and speed of the software that is to be downloaded.

    Online accounts are mandatory if the player wants to bet or gamble and these accounts can be opened when the player makes an initial deposit. The method of payment may differ according to the casino, site, or country from which the player gambles. The rules about proper deposition of money are usually given on the site itself.

    Sometimes bonuses are offered for players who have opened new accounts and the rules regarding the percentage of bonus are different for various sites. Some sites have even gone ahead and banned American players from gambling on their sites because of the ambiguity of American gambling laws. Some states such as Illinois have banned Internet gambling but other state laws allow it.

    Although states such as Illinois have banned Internet gambling, gaming for charitable reasons is not banned. Non-profit organizations and other such institutions are allowed to host gambling games for pro-bono purposes.

    The online gaming industry is constantly expanding and people are more inclined to play on-line because of the many advantages that the on-line casino and gambling industry provides. The rules and regulations of online gambling may slowly change over the years because of the large influx of players in this business.

  • Online Gambling Sites

    If you enjoy gambling and have not tried any of the online gambling sites before you should give one of them a try and see if you like it. Online gambling sites abound and in many respects they are much like visiting a sticks and bricks casino whether in Monaco, Britain or in many other countries or at one of the many Indian casinos that abounds in the US in many states.

    There are many choices that the online gambling sites offer. You can join one of them and many of them offer instant sign bonuses. You can download their software for free and register and begin to play. You can play blackjack, roulette-US or European wheel- slots, video poker or craps. You can also play bingo to your heart’s content. There are lots of different casino games available online including tournaments like poker tournaments or other types of tournaments you may be able to join. There are literally hundreds of games available to you. You can even get online live customer support on many of the sites.

    This type of gaming experience is meant to be hassle free and it is meant to provide you with entertainment while sitting in your home. Some states in the US have banned this type of gaming however. And of course the sites do require that you be over 18 to be able to actually bet money and play on the sites.

    A lot of casino software was developed at the beginning of this type of gaming. Of course over the past ten years computer graphics have really come to the forefront and the games are very well done. If you are going to engage in this type of gaming you do need to have a large hard drive with a lot of capacity so you can play without interruption. You may even want to have a separate computer just for this purpose so you have no other programs running that can slow down your action or viewing. You are playing in real time when you do this and you are betting dollars or whatever currency you trade in. You will also want to have an excellent spyware program and virus program and keep them current and run them often. Just as when you use any computer online you are subject to getting a virus or other computer infection. This is just basic common sense.

    You can also opt not to actually spend and gamble real money and play one of the instant play, no download games that are meant for pure entertainment. If you do opt to engage in real gambling you need to take the same caution you would use in a casino. Not that you would get mugged in your own home but you should pay attention to your limits which is no different than when you visit a casino in person. For the most part this online gaming is intended to be very similar to in person gambling and also meant to be fun.

  • Online Gambling Problems

    The advances in broadband and wireless technology have made the world come together closer than never before. Now virtually everything is possible on the net-shopping, clinching business deals, social networking, and even gambling, the ever-favorite pastime of men. Online gambling first emerged in the early part of the 1990s and had become an instant hit, with an estimated 3000 online websites on the net today. It totally radicalized the gambling industry and has seen takers from across age groups. However, just like the land version, even internet gambling is fraught with problems. The addiction problem prevails in the online world as well.

    What is problem gambling?

    Problem gambling is an impulse-control disorder that leads to major disruptions in all areas of life: psychological, social, vocational or physical. It also includes the stage of ‘pathological’ or ‘compulsive’ gambling. Problem gambling is characterized by an increasing preoccupation with gambling. They have an urge to bet money more frequently and become restless or irritable, if anyone tries to stop. They usually are aware of the mounting, serious, negative problems but staying off the bet becomes the most difficult thing for them.

    Online problem gambling is a manifestation of the aforementioned problems. But a study has shown that people who indulge in online gambling have more serious addiction problems than those who use the lottery or play slot machines. Online gambling problems are on the rise because of the explosive growth of the internet.

    Causes leading to Internet Gambling

    o The privacy and anonymous nature of the internet space has led to people taking to gambling without any hesitation.

    o Easy accessibility of online games in the internet has led to people spending more time on gambling.

    o Those who work on the internet most of the time can easily avail of online games. This gradually leads to addiction.

    Signs of problem Gambling

    o Gambling much longer than intended.

    o Gambling until you spend the last penny.

    o Using up incomes or even saving to gamble, while bills remain unpaid.

    o Borrowing money continuously to finance your gambling needs.

    o Neglecting your family and professional responsibilities.

    o Stoop to stealing, cheating or selling household stuff to get gambling money.

    o Gamble with the hope that it will solve financial woes or even win back losses.

    o Relieve feelings of depression.

    o They can easily set up a gambling account and there are a variety of forms of gambling – right from traditional betting, to casino gambling, lotteries and bingo. All this makes online gambling tremendously appealing.

    o There is no time limit and in the absence of a supervisor, a person can go on gambling for up to 24 hours a day.

    o As you play, there is a decreased perception of the value of cash and players frequently forget that they are playing with cash.

    Online Gambling and its effects

    Though many believe that legalized gambling is just harmless entertainment, but people already affected by it and continuous study results have veered on its deceptive nature. In fact, it is considered to cause even more harm than playing in a live casino building. The health and emotional difficulties associated with gambling disorders includes depression, circulatory disease, substance abuse and even risky sexual behavior. Recent studies have concluded that online gambling comprised basically of unmarried and younger participants over people who never gamble. Contrary to the fact that internet is associated with high education level and higher income strata, the study pointed out that online gambler addicts belong to lower education and income levels. Online gambling is one of the fastest growing addictions to afflict the youth today.

    The American Psychological Association (APA) conducted a study wherein they found that 74% of online gamblers are problematic or pathological gamblers. Among this, the group that is most at risk is the teens. Online problem gamblers spend much more money on the online gambling websites than the amount teenagers spend on drugs. The worse bit of online gambling is its anonymity. Earlier, a person had to go to a gambling house in order to satisfy their urge to gamble and everybody knew how you fare or how much you lost. But now, you just walk into your office or bedroom and there goes your savings in thin air, and not a soul gets a whiff of it. The lenient regulation measures of the online gambling industry have only added on to the problem.

    Treatment for Online Problem Gambling

    Those addicted to online gambling need to take the following steps to avoid and get over such problems. Its very important to remember the onus of the entire treatment process lies, first and foremost, with you. You should wake up and take control, before you reach the point of no return. The first steps are always the hardest and once you can overcome them; the rest will be a breeze of air.

    o Be honest with yourself and accept your problem.

    o Manage your money and keep track of the amount you are spending. Gamers should remember to spend only what they can afford to lose. Chasing losses will only lead to a further downward spiral.

    o Postpone your gambling urges. Next time you want to play, catch a movie or go out for dinner. Playing sudoku will take off your mind from gambling for a while.

    o When you have leisure time, indulge in recreation that has nothing to with gambling.

    o Use software to block access to gambling sites and make it password protected. You should not know the password.

    o Get professional help as soon as possible.

    Online problem gambling may affect anyone. One should be aware of one’s gambling behavior. There are many gory examples of problem gambling which should serve as eye openers for the affected. Any form of addiction is a choice. It becomes a disease because of your loss of control. Speak to your near and dear ones. Help is never far away. One precious lifetime is all you get, and it would be incredibly foolish to attempt to ruin even a second of it by way of unnecessary problems.