Category: Slots

  • Slots Secrets Revealed

    Let me just be upfront here and say that while there are plenty of methods for playing slots, there is no real “slot secret”. There are plenty of books and the like out there telling you how to make money off of slot machines. Probably the best method for making money of slot machines consistently is to write a book telling people you know how to make money off of slot machines.

    There are a few tips that will help you out some. Some of these actually make sense while others are just a little bit silly and steeped in wives’ tales. Or in this case granny tales. I don’t know.

    Picking the one armed bandit you are about to bleed dry is definitely something that you want to do. Pick one that is played often but hasn’t paid out much yet. While it’s true that someone hasn’t come up with a way to spot a winner right off, picking the right machine is a good thing. Consider this: the machine that has not paid off in a while is most likely due to. Play that one for a bit and stick with it.

    If there are no other players about or you can’t quite figure out which machines are the ones most played, pick one on the end of an aisle near a high traffic spot. These machines are usually played much more than the ones tucked away somewhere. That’s just human nature; everyone wants to be able to order a drink as fast as possible and the waitresses make the rounds on the main aisles more often.

    Pick a slot you understand. This is important. Not all slot machines play exactly the same. Some require all kinds of strange combinations and the days of just three cherries to win are gone. Some will actually have 8, 9 lines or more for you to bet on. Some slot machines are combo games where one can play video poker at the same time. Bingo slots have always confused me. With bingo slots every person playing slots is also involved in a bingo game. The machines are linked via a network. The chances of winning something are increased because you are playing slots anyway; it’s the game play I don’t understand. It has been explained to me several times, but I just smile and nod a lot.

    Gimmick slots are interesting. These would be the bank of slot machines with a car hanging over the top of them. Win the jackpot, win the car (and pay the taxes). Some busy casinos will have people pushing the play button day and night to win one of these prizes, but mostly they turn into a “well I have one dollar left” game that everyone gives one shot on the way out. They are not high volume machines, but then again, a game could hit at anytime. What would frustrate an owner would be to install one of these and the first person to drop a dollar in wins the car. Ouch! That’s got to hurt!

    Penny slots are often overlooked a bit too. This is kind of sad when you think about how they are all shiny and bright and lonely. Most casinos have a slip system in place now, you put in cash and it gives you a slip to cash in. People throw away their little $.46 slips all the time and call it a night. Do you realize that is 46 credits in a penny machine? It’s your money, but personally, I go to gamble baby! With most slots, these slips just slide right in like money, you might as well use them.

    Slots are great in that you don’t have to deal with too much in the way of rules if you don’t want to. But still, knowing what you are playing and where will help you choose a better machine than flopping down in the first available chair and throwing some money in. Knowing the rules and which machines are likely to hit will help you better choose a machine for sure.

  • How To Win At Slots

    One thing every gamer needs to remember is that slot play is a serious business. Most gamers stop enjoying the game with every loss, but the casino loves them more, as the gamers provide them millions of dollars daily. Probably 99% of gamers leave the casino with empty pockets most of them make a mistake of relying totally on luck. Here a strategic approach could have yielded him better wins or even a jackpot.

    If playing on a multicoin/multiline slot, it is advisable to play one coin on as many lines as you like. As every multicoin/multilane pay table is a straight multiplier, and as there are hidden buy-a-pay features, playing with one coin on line will activate the feature at least somewhere.

    On the other hand, while playing on progressive slots, playing with maximum coins will surely increase the chances of a win. In progressive slots, gamers who do not play maximum coins do nothing but increase chances of winning the jackpot for someone else while reducing their own winning chances.

    To increase the chances of winning on straight multipliers, to play one coin at a time, would always prove beneficial as on straight multipliers the pay back and hit frequency are the same regardless of the number of coins played. Similar technique should be adopted while playing on bonus multiplier slots. This is more advisable because the chances of hitting a payout with a bonus are very small and it is not worth the extra risk. The same technique can be very fruitful when playing on hybrid slots. On the other hand, the chances of winning increase if maximum coins are inserted while playing on a buy-a-pay slot. This same trick increases the chances of a win even when playing on hidden buy-a-pay slot.

    In recent times, slot machines account for 70% of all casino revenues, and is increasingly played by both men and women. The fascination for the game is increasing day by day. It is advisable to play wisely and strategically. It will not make the gamer a better player, but it will get him more fun and enjoyment.

  • Easy Online Slots

    For beginners to slots, the idea of playing online may be a daunting one. All too often, new players are turned off at online slot games and don’t play because they think that playing with real money is required. The truth is that there are many options to playing online. Playing with money is just one of them.

    Gambling online does offer costless gambling and practice games that offer slots for fun. While you may not earn bonuses or win anything extra when you play free online slots or just for fun, you are able to get better at the games. Sometimes, you will find that online slot providers will offer you chances to win even more money by joining special clubs.

    Just because you chose to play online slots for free doesn’t mean that you are excluded from learning what any slots player learns. The tips, tools, facts, and any other useful information that you need before you begin playing slots online are always made available to you and all new players. When you begin playing slots online, there is an option on the screen which will give you a chance to choose to play for money or for fun.

    Once in the online casino you can play while learning the best tactics for you, the strategies that suit you and learning from mistakes you might make while playing. You can play for free for as long as you need to learn the techniques that could help you better your online slots ability. Become a master at playing games online easily and without monetary consequences.

    While this is primarily something that new players would appreciate and learn from, you can be sure that the more advanced slot players take advantage of this feature. Serious slots online players will usually revert back to playing for free in order to refresh their style and slots techniques.

    In traditional gaming arenas, playing for fun requires gaming tokens. Playing online slots does not require this tool. You simply click on the corresponding icon to the action you wish to take. Even gambling online is that easy.

    When you’re ready to play online slots but not ready to commit to the real wagering bets, you can play for free. Check out areas where free online slots are made available and enjoy the feeling of playing online slots right now. There are tons of directories and boundless information on betting and playing slots for free. The information is at your fingertips right now.

  • Winning Slot Strategies

    What comes to your mind’s visual whenever you hear the word ‘online slots machines’? Probably beefy rich businessmen on their expensive Armani’s spinning the reels and hitting jackpots right? The seductive and challenging image these machines instantly conjure on the minds of people are just one of the reasons why most operating casinos give almost 80% of their annual revenue on their slots alone.

    If you are just a beginner who wants to try out the challenge of these slot machines, then its better that you are armed with some tricks and tips first before you start with your games. This article will give you a preview of the five most important things you should know in order to make yourself a successful slot machine player.

    1. Choose the Perfect Slot Machine

    In choosing the type of online slot machine to use, base your decision from your bankroll and your priorities. If you are more of the adventurous better who is always up to win a large jackpot, then going for a progressive machine is a wise move. If you would want to play for a longer time but is already satisfied in winning modest amounts, then look for a slot machine which only offers small jackpots but comes with paytable offers with payouts that range from medium to small amounts.

    2. Get the Most out of Your Slot Machine Spins

    With the invention of more advanced types of slot bonus games, you should never limit yourself from only playing the old slot games which you feel safe on. If you are just a beginner though, then trying out the free-play mode of these machines first can be highly beneficial for you. Since most of the games offered on slots are skills based, you’ll need to practice thoroughly first to make sure that you won’t end up with a zero balance bank account or empty pocket.

    3. Take the Risk and Bet the Maximum

    Identify the betting level which you can manage and always try to put on your bet with maximum coin bets. For example, if you are planning to use $1 as your bet, input your coins using the maximum amount of quarters your slot machine can accommodate. The reason behind this is because only those who bet max coins are those that are qualified on the high payouts.

    4. Study all the Angles

    You have to analyze the concept of pay lines first before playing. There are some online slots machines that have more than 25 pay lines. In cases like this, you need not to resort to playing with max coins because if you do so, then you are lowering your chances of winning large payouts let alone progressive jackpots. Instead, you must not only play using max coins but max pay lines as well.

    5. Take Advantage of the Bonus Rounds

    Never hesitate to use the bonus rounds online slots offer if you are gambling with some or even all of the coins you have won on a regular spin. Bonus rounds are bets which offer you even more money if you win so take advantage of it and wish on your lucky star to win. You have to remember though that even though using bonus rounds can give you a higher probability of winning more than you’ve already won, it also comes with the negative possibility of losing what you have just won.

    Now that you already know the top 5 techniques involved in online slots betting, you are well on your way of trying out your luck and hitting it big time on these games. Just remember though that with online slots you cannot employ specific strategies that will ensure you to win because in the end it all boils down to the concept of luck. There are things you can use though as strategies that can increase your chances of winning if you just use them properly.

  • How to Win on a Slot Machine

    Many of the first time casino goers want to learn how to win on a slot machine. Over the years, playing in slots has become very popular all over the world. It is fun and very simple to play with. When you know the right strategies, you can really win big. The excitement that you will feel when you win is priceless.

    Fun and money are the main reasons why people love to play slots. When you press the buttons and pull the handles, your heart will start to pump and the anticipation to win a jackpot begins. The experience can be addictive because when you win, you will have the tendency to want to win more.

    There are many ways to gain so much money when you win in slots. Different players know different techniques and strategies. The best way to get high chances in winning is to go to the right location. Most of the best slot machines in the casinos can be found in common locations. Your first task is to identify which of the slot machines are the best in terms of giving payouts.

    The common notion that slot machines have the same odds of winning is a myth. As a matter of fact, casinos around the world assign better machines in strategic locations. These machines are programmed to provide easy chances of winning fat jackpots to the players. As a player who would want to win big, the challenge of finding these machines is yours. If you want to know how to win on a slot machine, here are some useful tips:

    The best machines are called the “hot slots” and the bad ones are called “cold slots”. So that you can win big, must first know where the cold slots are and avoid them. Most of the time, cold slots are location in near the entrance. Machines that are good in payouts are not usually placed in entrances because that will disable people to go around the casinos to play other games. That is why avoid slot machines near the entrances.

    You should also avoid slot machines which are located near the tables for poker, blackjack, roulette, and other casino games. Machines near these table games are expected to be cold slots.

    Now, in locating the “hot slots”, the first thing to do is to try and play in small amounts in the machines which are near the winning claims booth. Machines which are good in payouts are usually place near this area so that people will hear winning cheers and get attracted to play more. Another tip would be to choose a slot machine in areas where foods are sold. These machines are most likely to be “hot slots”.

    The most important tip that you should remember is to avoid machines that are next to known “hot slots”. Casinos do not place two best machines adjacent to each other. Knowing which of the machines are “hot slots” or “cold slots” before playing in big amounts is a good technique on how to win on a slot machine.