Tag: budget

  • Profitable Sports Betting Principles

    Sports betting isn’t all luck and losing. There are many people out there that make a nice income from placing wagers on sporting events worldwide. Though many people lose a lot of money betting online, you don’t have to be like them. By following a few basic principles you can profit by betting responsibly on sports.

    You first want to set yourself a budget for your sports betting venture. This budget, called your bankroll, is an amount of money that won’t affect your living status if completely lost – after all, not everyone can make winning picks. Your bankroll must be separate from all living expenses such as mortgage, rent, utilities bills, etc.

    After you have determined your bankroll, you need to decide how much you will be wagering on each bet that you make. The key is to bet the same amount on each game. The amount that you place on each game is your betting unit. To determine your unit, you first must decide how conservative or aggressive you plan to be. The typical amount of unit is five percent, but some people make it 2.5 to 10 percent. This all depends on your bankroll size and your wagering temperament.

    Your unit is the key to minimizing your risk while attempting to maximize your profits. The downfall of many sports gamblers is that they are undisciplined and place wagers of multiple sizes. This wagering method isn’t the best strategy because you are losing more money when the big bets lose because of the juice. The smaller bets might either pay for the juice or only some of the juice. This is why some people can have a winning percentage of 57 to 60 percent and still lose. By placing the same amount on each game you minimize your losses. Though you might like one wager a little more than another, you don’t want show that with your money.

    When placing your bets, you only want to place three to four bets a day, which should be your strongest plays. Another principle is to never risk more than half of your bankroll at any one time. You always want to provide yourself enough ammo to fight back after a bad day or days of sports wagering.

    Before you place your wagers, you must handicap your games. There are handicappers that put 20 to 40+ hours a week researching their picks. There are a multitude of website on the internet to find the stats and news. Besides, the typical sports news sites, sports betting forums are a great resource. These communities allow you to discuss your thoughts and allow other handicappers to provide other insight. There might be a stat or piece of news that you missed during your handicapping. The key to handicapping games is to piece all the information you can find to make an educated decision before placing your wagers.

    Not everyone can make winning picks consistently and no one can teach you how to make winning picks. But if you follow these principles and make winning picks, you can be a profitable gambler by hitting 57 to 60 percent of your picks and consistently request payouts from your online sportsbooks.

  • How To Win In Casino Slots

    Many of people go to the casino to play the slot machines but most of them do not really know if they are going to win. This is certainly not a big deal though since practically most of those who play the casino slots just play for fun. However, there are also some who would really want to win. After all, what is the point of playing if you are not going to win at all? As such, one of the most important questions to ask is how to win at slots. Moreover, can players learn how to win at slots?

    Although, many believe that winning in casino slots is associated with luck, there are time tested techniques that have been proven with some slot machines. The casino slot is basically a game of chance, whether it is land-based or online. Fortunately, the chances for winning can actually be increases with a few main points that every player should keep in mind. More than anything else, you should remember that the primary goal of playing the slot machines is to have fun. This thought alone should already keep you going with a positive vibe. Winning will basically just fall into place naturally.

    On the other hand, winning at slots is not always permanent. Since it is basically a game of chance, there are some instances where you’ll spin and lose. Nevertheless, there are some winning slot tips that are definitely smart ways to play the game.

    First and foremost, you need to limit your budget. Knowing when to stop is probably the most effective way to avoid losing. Although everyone wants to win, everyone should also learn how to stop and when to stop. This is most applicable if the odds are against you. Staying on a limited budget allows you to be in control most especially if it is not your best day.

    Second, you need o choose the right casino. Not all casinos are for everyone, such that you should determine which one is for you. Moreover, every casino has a predetermined payout rate and you should figure out which payout is the most promising. Practically if you want to cash in big amounts of money, you should choose the casino that offers the best payout rate.

    Third, choose a strategy and stick to it. Although there can be a lot of strategies that can be applied in casino slots, it is advisable to choose one particular strategy and stick to it for the rest of the games. It is very hard to determine if the strategy is working or not if you keep changing from one strategy to another. Thus, if you want one to work, you should stick to it till the last game.

    Finally, you should use your gut feeling. Contrary to the saying that feelings are nothing more than feelings; sometimes there is actually nothing better than feeling. In playing casino slots, you need to feel the game. In some cases, people feel new slots are better for them; in other cases, people wait for online slot tournaments to win extra prizes. Whatever the case is, sometimes you’ll just have to trust how you feel. If you feel lucky today, don’t ignore it. After all, you might just have felt right.

  • Win At Roulette

    If you have found some good roulette strategies that have proven winning records for other players, but you don’t win with the strategies, don’t blame the roulette strategies, but blame yourself. This is because you forgot to implement the basics, but important betting strategy when playing the game.

    When I was a new player, like most of players who lose their money at Roulette, I had looked around to find the best strategy that can help me win at Roulette. Until I got one that should work as it works for me initially when I am following strictly the playing and the betting rules mentioned in the strategy. If thing goes right, I should win at Roulette whenever I play the game using the strategy, but it goes against the expected results. I lose most of times. After reviewing my past behavior of playing the game, I had made a few mistakes that you should avoid if you want to win at Roulette.

    Mistake #1: I thought my roulette strategy is winning guaranteed

    Roulette is a game of chance where each number has equal chance to be the outcome for next turn. Nobody can predict it accurately. Therefore, there is not one roulette strategy in the planet will guarantee the winning with zero losing risk. If you found one, then it will too good to be true. After some hard work of finding a good roulette strategy, at last I get one of the best that helps me win a lot of time, until I have made the mistake by thinking of the strategy will definitely work to win at roulette, there is no worry of losing. The roulette strategy that I used needs me to wait for the best condition to place my bet. Because of the mistake of thinking my roulette strategy is winning guaranteed, I play without following the betting condition.

    Mistake #2: I don’t exit the game at the right time

    Sometimes, thing goes against our expectation, regardless how good our strategy is, the result always turn to the opposite side that makes me lose. Most good roulette strategy guides will request players to set a set-loss limit and we need to exit the game when hitting the limit. My roulette strategy guide does require me to quit the game when I hit the set-loss limit, but I don’t. I become panic when I am entering into a losing streak and I just want to win back the money I have lost as soon as possible. I double up my bet amount on every loss, until I wipe out the money in my account and I top-up against with my credit card. If I am lucky, I will recover my losses using this method, but most times luck is not at my side. The more money I lose the more difficult to recover the losses. So, don’t become panic when you hit a losing streak, just exit the game and come back later.

    Mistake #3: I don’t have sufficient budget

    Can you win $1,000 with $10 in your casino account? Yes, you can, but unlikely. Most roulette betting guides require a minimum budget to start the game. If you have not prepared sufficient budget in your account, you will not be able to follow the betting schedule explained in the Roulette strategy guide. After experiencing the losses due to insufficient money, I realize that I need to have enough money in my so that I can follow the betting schedule if you want to win at Roulette.


    It is possible to make consistent winning at Roulette, but you have to avoid the betting mistakes that can make you lose. Above three are among the common mistakes made by many Roulette players.

  • Guessing Is Not A Winning Strategy

    Guessing is not a successful winning strategy; just ask anyone who isn’t winning money at the casinos. Although gambling is a game of luck, you can increase your chances of winning by betting only on games requiring skill. Blackjack and poker, for example, are examples of games that require some skill in order to win. If you want to increase your chances of winning big when betting, I recommend choosing games that require skill. If you bet on games that require no decision making on your behalf, slots for example, then you are gambling. Gambling, unfortunately, does not win in the long term (only skill does). Here are a few tips to consider the next time you feel like gambling.

    Tip One – Never Gamble

    Gamblers generally lose in the long term. Only bet on games that require the use of skill. In this way, you can turn the tables on the casino because if you have enough skill, you will win more often.

    Tip Two – Set A Budget

    Some days you will not win. In order to minimize your losses, you should set a budget and stick to it.

    Tip Three – Study Strategy Guides

    These will help you to win on skill games such as poker, and blackjack. In order to win on strategy games, you need to make sure your knowledge and skills are up to scratch.

    Follow these tips and you will win more often than the average gambler. In order to become an exceptional player, you need to know more than the average player, and possess more skill.

  • Casino Money Management

    It is imperative that anyone who plays online casino games must first understand money management. Before you start playing you must be clear about how much money you can afford to play with and how much you can afford to loose should your luck turn bad. Set yourself a budget and do not get tempted to exceed that budget no matter what, even if you are on a winning streak. Most importantly, do not let your emotions control your purse strings.The temptation to push your luck during a winning streak in the hopes of making an even bigger win, or to bet big during a loosing streak can spell disaster for your pocket and your game play. Being able to control these urges is the secret of having a successful and enjoyable time. Betting erratically can quickly turn moderate wins into big losses and moderate losses into even bigger losses. Not the way to go unless you have very deep pockets.You should plan ahead and prepare for the game. Think to yourself, “how would I handle a big win?” “How would I handle a big loss”. And most importantly “how do I keep my head straight so I don’t loose control of my budget?”

    In any casino game played for money where luck plays a role, fluctuations in winnings and losses are to be expected. It’s your ability to successfully deal with these ups and downs that will ultimately determine how well or poorly you do at the tables. Below are what we at Jackpot consider to be the three most important rules of money management when playing any online casino games.

    What can you afford to loose?
    Never play with money that you can’t afford to loose. Do not gamble with money allocated to other things, no matter how much you think you can win. Remember, no bet is ever sure or else it wouldn’t be called a bet. Loosing big when you can’t afford it can cause all sorts of problems.

    Set a budget
    Budget properly and make sure you allocate enough to spend moderately. Under funding yourself can leave you open to incurring big losses. If you had very little money deposited at the casino a normal downward trend can wipe out your money leaving you with very little or no money to recoup your losses. More importantly, a small budget may make you feel pressured by your shortage of funds and therefore play less aggressively than you perhaps should do. That said; only ever play at betting levels that you feel comfortable with. Remember, if the amount staked on a bet is above your head, you are playing in the wrong game. Get out while you can.

    Knowing when to walk away
    What often separates the winners from the losers in online casinos is winners know when to leave the game when their pockets are full and losers know how to restrict their losses to affordable amounts. Savvy online casino players never ever allow themselves to get financially broken at the tables. Minimising losses is the key. You can not and will not always win. If you are on a loosing streak, keep it affordable – take a break.

    Don’t drink
    You should only ever play with a clear head. Never ever play when you are tired or drunk as it can blur your perception.

    Keep two piles
    Another good tip is that when you are winning big you should put a good chunk of these winnings in a ‘do not touch’ pile, and play only with the remainder of your money. The last thing you want is to give all of your winnings back to the casino. If a loosing streak does creep up on you, you will still have some of your previous winnings set aside. Get out of the casino site when you are still ahead and live to play another day! Follow these simple rules and you’ll ensure that your time in any online casino is a safe and enjoyable one.