Tag: matter

  • Bingo Online – Strategic Playing

    Bingo, no matter how you look at it, is always going to be a game of chance; there will never be a way in which you can predict the next number to be called. There are though ways in which you can use the system of bingo to turn the odds of the game in your favour. Since the game is very simplistic there are tools that you can use to gain winning techniques. To win at bingo you need to match the numbers called out with those on your card.

    The first strategy that you should start to apply is to look at how you choose your cards. Every site that you use will offer a different selection of cards. Some sites may allow you only three or four cards while others will offer you a much larger variation. You will have to select the amount of cards that you want to use carefully. When the number is called out you will only have a certain amount of time to find that number and mark it down. If you have too many cards you will be unable to do this accurately.

    One of the reasons that you are not going to want to have many cards is if you are spending all your time looking for your numbers you are not going to be able to observe what is going on in the game that can help you win. Most players use as many bingo cards as they can, so as to increase their chances of winning. Playing with fewer cards will actually allow you a higher chance at winning big.

    The second strategy that you are going to be looking at deals with the theory of probability, which means the chance of any ball being called. Every bingo game has 75 balls, meaning that every ball has a 1 in 75 chance of being called.

    We are able to determine the accuracy of randomness through three simple tests; one is that the balls with numbers ending in one, two, three and so on are all called equally, higher and lower numbers are called equally and odd and even numbers are called equally. We can use this same theory of probability to then estimate the likelihood of specific balls being called.

    To be able to do this you are going to have to be paying attention to what is going on during the first few balls being called in the game. If, for example, the first ball to be called is B13 then the chances of another ball being called ending in 3 is going to be significantly less. Then on the second call of the game if the ball drawn is G58 then the chances again of a ball ending in 8 are much lower. This means that the chances of every other number not ending in either a 3 or 8 being called will be much higher. To accurately estimate which of the balls may be called next you will have to be paying attention to the numbers being called, especially during the first few calls of the game.

  • Advanced Hold Em Poker

    If you are annoyed that you can never win when playing from the small blind don’t miss out on these advanced Hold Em poker secrets on how to dominate.

    Winning from the small blind is probably the hardest thing to do no matter how much of an advanced Hold Em poker player you are. This is the worst position to ever be in and you need the absolute best cards – or skill – to win.

    However, it doesn’t matter how long you have been playing poker for, how well you know your odds or even how much you dedicate to poker, I know that you, like me, will be able to easily succeed from the blind with these advanced Hold Em poker tips. That’s why I know you are going to love this article once you read it completely through.

    The secret to winning from the small blind is practice. However, these tips will definitely go a long way to making you more successful very fast. So before you go and take action to find more tips, more tricks and get your hands on new free poker ebooks, I want you to first think about how you are going to increase you game from the small blind in order to reduce your losses from this position.

    Advanced Hold Em Poker Tip For Playing From The Small Blind #1

    The first tip is to keenly and carefully choose your battles wisely. Even though your chance of getting good cards is the same as in any position, your chance of getting suitably strong cards whilst in the small blind is very low. This means that for the most part, you have weak, crap, useless cards in the small blind (where you need the absolute best to win).

    For example, you may be able to play an A-4 from the button, but not from the small blind.

    Advanced Hold Em Poker Tip For Playing From The Small Blind #2

    The second thing to do is stop concentrating on yourself and start watching all the other players. Is anyone contesting the pot? Are the late raises valid or just blind steals? Pay keen attention to how everyone is playing because you will need this info for later.

    Advanced Hold Em Poker Tip For Playing From The Small Blind #3

    Now, protecting your blind by coming over the top of other players is harder when in the small blind than in the big. This is because you don’t know what the big blind is going to do, or what he likely has. However, you can take a risk and make out a big raise. If you have a strong tight image this will generally be enough to take the pot there and then because everyone thinks you will only play the best cards from the small blind.

    Now you are probably aware that it is difficult to win from the small blind, but you are surely realizing how useful these tips and thoughts will be to you the next time you are playing poker.

    How would it feel to easily be able to make some extra cash playing poker? Think about what you would have to do to get to this level like the information you have to find and read. Imagine opportunities for new advanced Hold Em poker tips appearing for you and taking action to read and learn these to become more successful.

  • Casino Money Management

    It is imperative that anyone who plays online casino games must first understand money management. Before you start playing you must be clear about how much money you can afford to play with and how much you can afford to loose should your luck turn bad. Set yourself a budget and do not get tempted to exceed that budget no matter what, even if you are on a winning streak. Most importantly, do not let your emotions control your purse strings.The temptation to push your luck during a winning streak in the hopes of making an even bigger win, or to bet big during a loosing streak can spell disaster for your pocket and your game play. Being able to control these urges is the secret of having a successful and enjoyable time. Betting erratically can quickly turn moderate wins into big losses and moderate losses into even bigger losses. Not the way to go unless you have very deep pockets.You should plan ahead and prepare for the game. Think to yourself, “how would I handle a big win?” “How would I handle a big loss”. And most importantly “how do I keep my head straight so I don’t loose control of my budget?”

    In any casino game played for money where luck plays a role, fluctuations in winnings and losses are to be expected. It’s your ability to successfully deal with these ups and downs that will ultimately determine how well or poorly you do at the tables. Below are what we at Jackpot consider to be the three most important rules of money management when playing any online casino games.

    What can you afford to loose?
    Never play with money that you can’t afford to loose. Do not gamble with money allocated to other things, no matter how much you think you can win. Remember, no bet is ever sure or else it wouldn’t be called a bet. Loosing big when you can’t afford it can cause all sorts of problems.

    Set a budget
    Budget properly and make sure you allocate enough to spend moderately. Under funding yourself can leave you open to incurring big losses. If you had very little money deposited at the casino a normal downward trend can wipe out your money leaving you with very little or no money to recoup your losses. More importantly, a small budget may make you feel pressured by your shortage of funds and therefore play less aggressively than you perhaps should do. That said; only ever play at betting levels that you feel comfortable with. Remember, if the amount staked on a bet is above your head, you are playing in the wrong game. Get out while you can.

    Knowing when to walk away
    What often separates the winners from the losers in online casinos is winners know when to leave the game when their pockets are full and losers know how to restrict their losses to affordable amounts. Savvy online casino players never ever allow themselves to get financially broken at the tables. Minimising losses is the key. You can not and will not always win. If you are on a loosing streak, keep it affordable – take a break.

    Don’t drink
    You should only ever play with a clear head. Never ever play when you are tired or drunk as it can blur your perception.

    Keep two piles
    Another good tip is that when you are winning big you should put a good chunk of these winnings in a ‘do not touch’ pile, and play only with the remainder of your money. The last thing you want is to give all of your winnings back to the casino. If a loosing streak does creep up on you, you will still have some of your previous winnings set aside. Get out of the casino site when you are still ahead and live to play another day! Follow these simple rules and you’ll ensure that your time in any online casino is a safe and enjoyable one.