Tag: Money

  • Play Games For Quick Money

    Are you eager to play casino games for quick money? If you are, let me tell you that casinos are an expensive form of entertainment provided that you decide to opt for playing a “real game.” There are, indeed, lots of games like Poker, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette, Craps, Baccarat, Video Poker, Caribbean Stud, War, Keno. But if you are seeking professional advice, have my suggestion and opt for casino poker. What is the specialty of casino poker? This is an interesting question and keep in mind that this game is considered as an intense and fairly intelligent game. It is also true that the majority of people (visiting casinos) prefer to play chance games than the skilled games. However, I am confident they will start play casino poker given that they become aware of the rules of the game. There is no doubt that casino poker is highly interesting.

    Learn from here that there are differences as well. While in most of casino games a player is paid in the form of a payout, the reverse happens in casino poker games. In this context, the casino plays a major role and takes a commission (called rake) from the players. Bear in mind that the amount is deducted from the bets players make against each other. What do you think then? Is this tough? Don’t get demoralized since effective strategies, if implemented, can make you the winner in casino poker games. The game is beneficial for both the player and casino.

    If you are interested to play casino poker in the home, playing is quite different. Beware of these but never try to imbibe any strategy or rules of the game blindly from any book that teaches the basics. Try to take help of experienced persons. Well, you can learn to a certain extent by seeing videotape of any game. Nowadays tutorial software is also available to learn the nuances of casino poker.

    There are also several casinos that do offer free lessons in casino poker and you, if fortune permits, can access such a casino in your own town. These free lessons are nothing but duplications of the real game and hence, they should be taken seriously. In house instructors always provide advice and tips during these practice sessions.

    Never forget that a casino poker game requires more proficiency, if compared to other casino games, as this is a game of skill. Though most of veterans and professionals play the game as it is known as time-consuming, any person provided that he/she is proficient can play the same game.

    Before I finish, let me say how you can play online poker free of cost. There are, in actual fact, quite a lot of websites that offer the option to play free online poker games. You will have to sign up at the beginning and by doing this you can pick up the basics of the software in addition to its use. Once you become familiar with the use of software along with the game you can deposit cash and play as a real player. The registration of the player is necessary so as to receive game chips free of cost with which you can play several online poker games.

  • Poker Money Management

    Here we will give you some general guidelines on poker money management and the two most common errors that players make, that increase the odds of losing dramatically.

    Poker Money Management – Your Bankroll

    Your ‘bankroll’ is the money you can afford to potentially lose in poker and have allocated to playing.

    Poker is by its nature a volatile game and the chances that you will lose in the short term are high.

    All players need to employ money management whilst playing poker, to succeed long term.

    General Guides on Bankroll Size

    As a general guide for how big your bankroll should be, a commonly accepted figure is for it to be at least 200 to 300 big bets at the level that you are playing at.

    If you are playing $0.50/1 games, your bankroll needs to be $200.00 plus.

    While the above is considered a good guide, there are other factors to take into account when calculating bankrolls that are influenced by the type of player you are and your game of choice.

    Bankroll and the Type of Player You Are

    If you are a tight player, then you will probably not need as much money as a player who is involved in many pots.

    This really is down to individual style of play, and an aggressive player should think about having a bit extra to play with due to the fluctuations that his style of play is likely to incur.

    Bank Roll and the Game You Play

    Another factor when determining the size of your bankroll is the type of game you play.

    If you like playing Stud or Triple Draw, you will need more money than if you are playing Draw Poker.

    Some games have more betting rounds than others do, so if you are going to play in the games with more betting rounds, you need to have more money.

    Poker Money Management – Common Errors

    Poker money management goes out the window if you make the two common errors below – make sure you understand and avoid them if you want to preserve your bankroll!

    Don’t Advance Too Quickly

    This means that as soon as you have played poker for a couple of weeks at one limit and are breaking-even or are up a little bit, you advance to a higher limit with your entire bankroll.

    If you play this way, you are virtually guaranteed to eventually lose all of your money.

    You need to move up steadily. For example, if you start at the $0.50/1 games with $200 and steadily increase your bankroll to $400, you can then move up to playing $1/2 games.

    If your bankroll decreases to 100 big bets, you should move back down again, to maximize your staying power.

    Don’t Chase Losses by Moving Up!

    Many players play bigger games in order to make up for their losses, but if you are losing money at your current level, then are likely lose money at a higher limit.

    Poker is a game where you need to progress slowly and never chase losses.

    Poker Money Management – Why are You Playing Poker?

    One of the most important things to consider when determining your bankroll is the reason that you play poker.

    If you have a regular job, your bankroll will be smaller than a professional poker player who effectively lives off their bankroll.

  • Online Casino Strategy: Money Management

    One of the most important aspects of responsible online casino gambling is paying careful attention to money management. What is money management?

    Well, first and foremost this is the ability to monitor how much money you spend on gambling. Reckless spending causes the most problems in gambling as it identifies a lack of understanding for the basic principles of gambling.

    Second and lastly money management is the ability to play proportionally to ones bankroll. Thereby assuring the use of ones monetary resources in the most efficient manner. Here are some money management skills for consideration.

    Decide before starting to play what your bankroll is for the session. Don’t get caught up and spend more than you initially decide upon. This requires discipline! Decide before starting how much money would be considered a winning session for you. Be realistic. Choose your bets wisely. Play proportionally to your bankroll. If your bankroll is $100.00 don’t play $25.00 hands! Chances are you will play a minimum of four hands and be disappointed with your experience. However, with a $100.00 bankroll if you play $5.00 bets you will play at least 20 hands and if you play $1.00 bets you will play at least 100 hands. Therefore playing proportionally to your bankroll improves your odds as your session will last that much longer. Stay sharp and alert. Playing for long periods of times can make one tired and reckless. If you are fatigued quit while you may still be ahead.

    If you find yourself in the midst of a losing streak its better to just accept it. Avoid chasing your losses. Chances are you will blow your bankroll under these less than optimum conditions. Emotional tendencies can also lead to recklessness. Try and stay calm and stick to the basic strategy. Most importantly, know when to leave!

  • Sports Betting – Money Management

    A bettor must win 52.4 percent of his wagers to break even. Some bettors who win more than 52.4 percent of their bets still end up losing money. Why? The answer is because they do not use proper money management. Money management is just as important as picking winners. Here are some simple (yet sometimes difficult to follow) tips on proper money management.

    My first piece of advice is to have money set aside for sports betting. This should be an amount you can afford to lose. It should not be money you need to pay your mortgage, car payment, utility bills or any other money you need to comfortably run your household.

    My second piece of advice is you should never wager more than five percent of your bankroll. There are going to be losing streaks, which are unavoidable. It’s the law of averages and it happens to everyone. By keeping your bet percentage low, you are keeping yourself in the game until your luck turns around.

    My third piece of advice is you should wager the same amount on each game. At most, have two levels of plays. Maybe you decide to bet two percent on regular plays and four percent on what you feel are really strong picks. But whatever you do, stick with the percentages you choose.

    That brings me to my fourth piece of advice, which is do not chase your losses. That means if you lose four percent on today’s game, don’t bet six percent on tonight’s game. This is the quickest way to bankrupt yourself and the bookies are counting on you to fall into this trap.

    My last piece of money management advice as it pertains to sports betting is you should never drastically increase your bet amounts. For example, you went 3-0 today. You bet $100 on each game, so you’re up $300 going into tomorrow. Tomorrow rolls around and you pick three more games, but this time you bet $200 on each game. You end up going 0-3 today. Because you doubled your wagers, you lost $660 today, which makes your two-day total minus $360. This also ties into betting the same amount on each game, but the temptation to double-up is very strong when you’re hot.

    Sports betting is not just about picking more winners than losers. Money management is extremely important if you want to steadily profit in this arena. Your chances of success are much greater if you can follow the aforementioned money management tips.