Sports betting isn’t all luck and losing. There are many people out there that make a nice income from placing wagers on sporting events worldwide. Though many people lose a lot of money betting online, you don’t have to be like them. By following a few basic principles you can profit by betting responsibly on […]
Progressive Baccarat
If you are trying to learn how to play progressive Baccarat you have come to the right place. While this game is not widely known by many American players, it is becoming more popular each year as Americans learn how to play progressive Baccarat and discover how exciting it is. To be brutally honest about […]
US Tax Recovery on Your Casino Taxes
Are you a Canadian gambler? Are you a Canadian gambler who likes to gamble at US casinos? A lot of Canadian gamblers love to patronize American casinos. However, you must keep in mind that you end up taking home 30 percent less than what you won in the casino. It is mandated by the IRS […]
The $100 Roulette Trick
The $100 trick is a bet management system for online roulette, it could easily be explained with any other number, yet we like $100 for some reason. It’s a nice round figure, it can be easily divided to meet certain roulette betting requirements and it’s the best amount for explanation. It’s more about using discipline […]
Sports Betting – Money Management
A bettor must win 52.4 percent of his wagers to break even. Some bettors who win more than 52.4 percent of their bets still end up losing money. Why? The answer is because they do not use proper money management. Money management is just as important as picking winners. Here are some simple (yet sometimes […]