Tag: Strategy

  • Keno Strategies

    Before you read the keno strategies that you need from this article, a review of the game keno shall serve as an introduction.

    The game keno is an ancient game that originated from the Chinese. It was also called Chinese Lottery and it does resemble games such as lotto and bingo. The main difference in the game of keno is that it has more games and has a better offering of odds. 30 percent of the bets go to the house though. However, where other gambling games are concerned, keno is certainly not lacking in the fun department.

    The mechanics of keno are pretty easy. First, a player is given a card or ticket which is called the “Keno board”. This card or ticket will contain 80 numbers from which the player must choose at least ten for each set. A process called “drawball” occurs where a machine called “AKV” is used to help generate the winning numbers. This automated blower contains the balls which will be read by a computer and then forwarded to special processing system for the keno game. A device then which is called a “Random Number Generator” selects these numbers and is later approved by the gaming authorities.

    In order to win, the player must make 20 “hits.”

    The following will be the basic keno strategies to keep in mind once you have decided to play keno.

    The first strategy you have to remember before you begin playing keno is to choose your limits. How much are you willing to bet? How many times are you willing to play? How high are you willing to go when it comes to risk? How much are you willing to lose? It is very important for you to start asking yourself these questions before beginning, to avoid getting lost in the excitement and the heat of the game. Set a limitation for your bankroll and make sure you stick with this. It is more fun to play keno if you know that you have a certain amount that you can afford to lose while at the same time feel the thrill of maybe, just maybe, getting more than you bargained for.

    The second strategy is to update your facts constantly. True, the numbers are drawn randomly by the automated keno game generators, but in almost everything, there is an equivalent statistic. Always keep yourself updated with the latest fluctuations in odds. This will greatly help you in your keno game once you start choosing and placing your bets on your numbers. These may be approximations but it betters your chances nonetheless. Choose your numbers well.

    The third strategy is pretty tricky, as it involves something that is highly uncontrollable but its presence is undeniable. This is what you call the “lucky streak”. Every once in a while, certain players experience this “lucky streak” and come home cashing a lot of winnings because they were smart enough to trust their instincts. This is a rather elusive but very useful skill for you to master. All it takes is practice, practice, practice. Stick to your limits so you can always enjoy each game without being too stressed about your money.

    Another trick that players do is to bet on the same number consistently. Statistically, betting on the same numbers time and time again gives you a higher chance for winning instead of when you bet on many different numbers per game.

    Lastly, do not let yourself be consumed by impulse or desire. In a gamble, to let yourself be overridden by these irrational emotions is a very bad idea indeed and could lead to a lot of trouble. Discipline yourself and practice self-control. Stick to your limits and do not be overtaken by the game. Remember, you are playing to have fun, not to gamble away all your money.

  • Essential Keno Tips For Players of Every Level

    If you’re looking for Keno tips that will increase your chances for winning money at this popular casino game, I’m afraid you’re out of luck already. There are no strategies that can help you improve your odds of winning at Keno because all of the numbers are selected randomly so no number is ever more likely to come up than another number. Tips for Keno should, therefore, be limited to such issues as money management. For those interested in the game, however, some of the more popular keno tips may be of interest.

    1. The number one rule for gambling, and the most important of all Keno tips is to never gamble with “dear” money; only gamble with “excess” money. In other words, never gamble with money that you will need now, or may need in the near future, to pay for your financial commitments and everyday living expenses.

    2. If you want good odds to win more than you wager, the best tip anyone can give you is to play almost any other casino game than Keno. The Keno game offers some of the worst odds in any casino, to the point that the game is virtually guaranteed to be, at best, a slow way to lose all of your money.

    3. If you want a better chance to win at Keno spend your time with an online game rather than a live casino game. Payouts at live casinos range from about 60% to 70%; probably the worst payout percentage in the house. Payout percentages at most online Keno games are significantly higher.

    4. If you’re a serious Keno player you should always compare various Keno sites before settling down to play. While most payouts and selection choices are similar, if not identical, it is possible to locate sites, including online sites, that offer better payouts or more play options in an effort to attract more players.

    5. One of the most popular Keno tips is to pick consecutive numbers, such as 28 and 29 or 33, 34 and 35. There is no rational justification for this strategy although a casual observance of actual drawn numbers may seem to somehow justify the logic.

    6. Another strategy frequently found among regular Keno players is to decide on a list of numbers and then play those same numbers continuously over a number of games. For some addicted players playing the same numbers may continue not just for hours but sometimes for days and weeks on end.

    7. Some players believe that one of the best Keno tips is to start playing numbers that haven’t come up recently in previous games. The theory here is that those numbers must soon start hitting in order to bring their occurrence up to expected levels over the long run.

    8. Other players choose numbers that have come up recently, apparently believing there may be something irregular about the selection process that actually favors those numbers.

    9. If you’re interested in playing Keno for a longer period of time select a large number of spots on the card. This way you’re more likely to win at least something on each card, even though you’ll still be losing money in the long run.

    10. If you’re looking for Keno tips that will help you try to win that once in a lifetime fortune you should also play more spots on each card. If you hit all of those many numbers the payoff can be astounding. But the odds of it happening are astronomical. For example, playing 14 spots your odds of hitting all 14 numbers are about 1 in 389 million.

  • Sports Betting Strategy Exposed

    Did you know that every single day, there are millions of people all over the world who are betting on sports? In fact, some of these people are actually ex-athletes who are trying to test their insider knowledge of the specific games when it comes to this standpoint. The majority, however, are made up of avid sports fans who want to add a bit more thrill to watching their favorite games as well as testing their knowledge of the game whilst earning a bit of money along the way. Then there are those people who are not ex athletes nor are they actual fans of the game but keep on betting in order to study and come up with the best sports betting strategy to help them increase the chances of winning the game. If you aren’t an expert and want to learn a sports betting strategy that would help you improve your betting, then learn from these people and do your research. In fact, this should be at the top of the tip list as it is the most effective way of learning and moving forward with developing a sports betting strategy. Do your homework, watch the experts and be observant of what they do. The more time you spend doing this, the more you will learn and before you know it, you’re winning bets left and right simply because you paid close attention.

    If you are eager and ready to learn even more, then the next step is to research online. The internet provides people who are into sports betting with plenty of information and great resources for anything and everything such as key information about individual players, backgrounds for the teams and their coaches as well as information about the game itself. All of which are important aspects when it comes to formulating the best sports betting strategy that would work for you. In fact, the more you learn about the game, the more confident you will become when it comes to betting thus leading to you making smarter and much better decisions which would eventually equal more wins. Sounds like a difficult formula? Not quite.

    A sports betting strategy would vary from one person to the other. It doesn’t necessarily mean that just because on strategy worked wonders for a friend it would work the same magic on you. This is why it is advisable for a person to develop his own strategies. This is especially if you are betting to win and not just for fun. So you need to spend some time and effort in the development of said strategy in order to gain advantage over other people who are betting on the same game. Advantage is the key word here as this could potentially be the thing that gives you continuous wins or the one that would make you lose each and every time. Remember, no sports betting strategy is perfect and it takes sometime to perfect it. Another thing you have to keep in mind is the fact that besides having a good strategy, you should also invest in a handicapper that utilizes experience, trends and angles as well as a proven system in order to achieve the continuous wins you want when you bet in baseball or any other sport.

  • Sports Betting System Guaranteed to Win

    Sports betting offers a fun and exciting way of earning money online. It combines the fun of enjoying your favorite game and the additional excitement of getting money from your sports team’s victory. There are those who make online sports betting a way of earning money. They improvise a system that will make the chance of winning higher by using facts gathered from previous games. While some bettors bet based on instinct or according to their personal favorites, bettors that aims at earning money would use a formula based on available resources to improve their chance of winning. There are websites that use sports betting system to predict winners. Look for the best sports betting website for a more reliable predictions.

    Luck still plays a big role in winning or losing the game. But there are measurable aspects of the game that will balance luck with probability which therefore increase the chance of winning. Bookmakers often change the weight of winning and losing stake to encourage bettors in a lopsided game. There is a choice whether to stay on the safer margin or go against the odds for a larger stake. Wise bettors tend to go safe and ensure win with lower stakes while those who like to gamble would go with the spread for a larger stake.

    The best sports betting strategy is to bet against the public. Bookmakers will prompt you to bet against the public whenever certain games are causing the public to bet on a match in favor of a losing team. This will cause a high percentage of winning to those who will bet in favor of the winning team. Bookmakers often require subscription to be able to get alerts on the games with a high percentage of winning against a public bet. The subscription is actually just a small amount compared to the potentially large sum of to be won through their betting against the public alert. Look for a reliable bookmaker that will provide the best sports betting strategy.

    Subscribing to a bookmaker for best sports betting strategy is profitable in the long run. It would give the bettor an edge over other people because he would have an access to the bookmaker’s trade secret which is the alerts whenever there are games where there are rampant bet against a team with high probability to win. The subscribed bettor will be ensured of a good percentage of winning. He would still be subjected to lose in some of his bet but because of the high rate of winning against losing, he will profit in his business over a period of time.

    Online sports betting is a profitable business for some people. There are ways to guarantee a high percentage of win by subscribing to website that specializes in analyzing information gather from previous games. The result of the analysis becomes the basis for a team’s winning percentage in their next game. These websites offer the best sports betting system in the internet. They can guarantee that bettors subscribed in their website will produce good results.

  • Video Poker Strategy

    Like Blackjack, cards are chosen from a finite number of decks. So you can use the same chart to log cards dealt. Knowing cards already dealt gives you insight of cards left to be dealt. Be sure to read how many decks the machine you choose uses in order to make accurate decisions.

    The hands you play in a game of poker in a table game isn’t necessarily the same hands you want to play on a machine. To maximize your profits, you should go after the more powerful hands much more often, even if it means missing out on a few small hands. In the long-run these sacrifices will pay for themselves.

    Video Poker shares some strategy with slot machines as well. For one, you always want to play the maximum coins on each hand. When you finally do hit the jackpot it will payoff. Winning the jackpot with only half the max bet is surely to disappoint. If you are playing at a dollar machine and can’t afford to play the max, drop down to a quarter machine and max it out. On a dollar machine 75 cents isn’t the same thing as 75 cents on a quarter machine.

    Also, like slots, Video Poker is completely random. Cards and replacement cards are assigned numbers. While the machine is idle it cycles through these numbers several thousand per second, when you hit deal or draw it stops on a number and deals accordingly. This dispels the myth that a machine can become ‘due’ to hit a jackpot or that just before hitting a big hand it will tighten up. Any hand is just as likely as any other to win.

    If one is available, always use a slot club card. The benefits have potential to make the difference between winning and not.

    Before sitting down at a machine you should look at the pay tables to determine the most generous. Don’t skimp on the research.